The following countries and organizations have received Globall Giving shipments:
Los Toros Foundation
Muchachos de Futbol
Peace Corps
Casa La Atarraya
Peace Corps
Christ Church Mission of Mequon, Wisconsin
Kingdom Workers
Common Hope
Pivotal Directions
Robert Muller LIFE School
The Kid's Dentist (Mequon, WI) Mission to Guatemala
Women of Chirst
Pivotal Directions
Rounding Third
Horizons of Hope Project
Donami Soccer
Peace Corps
Hope Without Borders
Los Toros Foundation
Milwaukee Mission to Nicaragua
Baseball Tomorrow Foundation
Kwara Sliders Baseball and Softball Club
Peace Corps
Boys and Girls Club of Puerto Rico
Hope Without Borders
Athletes for the Nations
Giving Hope Initiative
L.A. Galaxy
Lugazi Catholic Diocese
Shooting Touch
United States Military (stationed in UAE)
Apache Native American Reseration - Arizona
Baseball Around the World
Beckum-Stapleton Little League - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Boys and Girls Club of Red Lake Nation, Minnesota
Camp Hometown Heroes, Wisconsin
Chicago Public Schools
Crossover Basketball and Scholars Academy - Boston Massachusetts
Dry Hooch of America, Inc.
Eastbrook Academy - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Family Promise Centers of Ozaukee and Washington Counties - Wisconsin
First Tee of Milwaukee - Wisconsin
Hissey Playground Soccer Camp - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
House of Love and New Beginnings - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
House of Peace - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Just Listen - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Public Schools - Wisconsin
Milwaukee Tennis and Education Foundation - Wisconsin
Notre Dame Academy of Milwaukee - Wisconsin
Operation Dream - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
PeppNation Rugby and Soccer - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pivotal Directions
Playworks - Wisconsin
Shooting Touch - Boston, Massachusetts
South Jamaica Little League - New York
St. Elizabeth Parish
St. Marcus School - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
TOPS Soccer of Wisconsin
Urban Living of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Lions Club Camp for Children
St. Marcus School